Why Hair Toppers Are Not for Everyone

Hair toppers have been gaining popularity as a convenient solution for women experiencing hair loss or thinning. Social media is full of women showing a seemingly miraculous transformation from thin to thick hair within seconds. These miraculous video clips can be very deceiving, and in this blog, we’ll explore the pros and cons of human hair toppers for women and why some individuals might be better suited for alternative solutions like wigs.

What Are Hair Toppers?

Hair toppers are partial hairpieces designed to blend with your natural hair. They can add volume and coverage to thinning areas and come in a variety of sizes. Unlike full wigs, a topper clips onto existing hair, making them considerably lighter and more breathable. They come in various sizes, styles, and colours to accommodate the client’s bio hair.

Why Hair Toppers Might Not Be Right for You

Although hair toppers work well for many women, they are often not the best choice. Here are the main reasons why:

  1. Not Enough Hair for Attachment. 
    Although hair toppers are meant to address thinning hair, they actually require a strong base of bio hair for secure attachment. If you have advanced hair loss or thinning across the entire scalp, you may not have enough hair to properly secure the clips, therefore making a full wig a better alternative.
  2. Discomfort From Clip-in Pressure.
    Most hair toppers attach using pressure-sensitive clips, which can easily pull on your  bio hair. If you have a particularly sensitive scalp or fragile hair, the constant tension may be an unacceptable amount of discomfort or even lead to further hair loss.
  3. Blending Can Be a Challenge.
    In order to have a seamless look, human hair toppers for women need to blend well with their bio hair. If your hair is very short, too thin, curly, or a unique colour that’s hard to match, achieving a flawless blend might require a lot more attention and ultimately defeat the purpose of wearing a topper. As well, if your topper is a different colour than your bio hair (and your decision is to match your bio hair to your topper), you have to factor in the upkeep of your own hair. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance solution to hair loss, a wig may very well be a better option.
  4. Weather and Lifestyle Factors
    Hair toppers do not offer full scalp coverage; therefore, if your bio hair reacts differently to wind, rain, and humidity than your topper, the seamless blend will be considerably less seamless. This lack of reliability might not provide the security and confidence you expect from your hairpiece. 

Choosing the Right Solution for You.

Every woman’s hair loss journey is unique. While human hair toppers for women can be a great solution for some, a wig is often a much easier, no-nonsense approach to dealing with the issue of hair thinning. Naturally, a woman’s openness to wearing a full wig is the most important factor in deciding what type of hairpiece to choose, even if it is not the most practical. For many, it can be helpful to consult with a specialist to help make this most important decision.

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Paulas Wig Boutique

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